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Why pursue a Bachelor's degree from Dr. NSAM FGC, Bengaluru?

NSAM First Grade College, Bengaluru, focuses on nurturing young minds and making them the creators of tomorrow. Their dedicated faculty members bring out the best in every student. The program touches upon the humane aspect of the students and encourages them to contribute to the nation.

NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, enhances employability skills by imparting world class education. We offer industry-oriented certification courses designed by experts.

NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, offers a variety of special courses such as Chartered Accountancy, Company Secretary, and Cost Management Accounting. These courses help students save time and money.


Students of NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, are placed at reputed companies.


B.Com Student

As a B.Com student at NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, I feel overwhelmed to be a part of this wonderful academic experience. The environment at NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, is welcoming, peaceful, and motivating. Our faculty are industry practitioners and student-friendly, which helps us in developing a healthy rapport with our teachers. NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, is a multidisciplinary institution that focuses on teaching, research, and community services. As a part of the curriculum, the Institute frequently organizes guest lectures, events, and webinars that are presided by leading industry experts. NSAM FGC, Bengaluru also provides us with several opportunities to showcase our talent and expertise through regular events and competitions.

Himanshu Gaur

Final Year BBA Student.

When I first enrolled at NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, little did I know that this college would become an essential part of my life. As I prepare myself to walk out in the real world, I feel humbled to be a part of the legacy of the NSAM FGC family. From well-designed infrastructure to a student-friendly campus, NSAM FGC, Bengaluru has offered us opportunities to showcase our talent and be a part of a bigger community. At NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, the teachers do not focus on academic achievements alone but the overall development of each student. From co-curricular activities to competitions, we get so many opportunities to test our true potential. We are being trained to become global citizens with a focus on personal and professional grooming.

NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, at a glance

The Institute is committed to developing entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate professionals who think globally, act strategically, and contribute to society. NSAM FGC is a Bengaluru City University-approved college that offers a three-year, full-time Undergraduate Program. The college is NAAC-accredited.

The faculty at NSAM help students identify their inherent strengths and motivate them to choose the right specialization in their academic careers.

Education Services

International Hubs

Placement Support


Dr. NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, awards scholarships to deserving students. Scholarships are awarded on merit and sports basis. Any student with an outstanding record will be considered.

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Ans:A bachelor's degree will increase the likelihood of you being considered by employers for career advancement opportunities. If you complete your bachelor with a specialization, your career options will improve and become more specific!

Ans: Merit-based scholarships are awarded to qualifying students. Please contact our admission office for more information. Alternatively, you can fill out the inquiry form and our admission department will contact you.

Ans: Yes, you may apply for admission if you are currently studying in Grade 12, and have not procured your marksheet yet. Please contact our admission team for more information.

NSAM FGC, Bengaluru, is a premier college that imparts quality education to students. It has a vast alumni network, and enables students to learn as they grow.
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